
DMT GmbH & Co. KG offers independent technology services in testing, consulting, engineering, measuring and development in Germany and abroad with emphasis on natural resources, safety and infrastructure. Vindum Engineering is the exclusive North American Sales Representative for DMT’s Geotechnical Measuring System products, which include the CoreScan® 3 digital imaging and petrographic analytical tool for full-size and slabbed cores.

New England Research (NER) specializes in the measurement and interpretation of rock properties for the energy industry. For over 29 years, NER has continued the development of new and innovative rock testing equipment to address reservoir characterization and engineering challenges of both conventional and unconventional reservoirs. From this continuous effort, NER is able to offer a highly sophisticated line of laboratory equipment for measuring rock properties at in situ conditions of stress, pore pressure, and temperature. Vindum Engineering has partnered with NER for over 20 years, both as a sale representative and collaborator of new products.

GLOCOM Inc., based in Beijing, is the authorized agent for Vindum Engineering products in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Our partnership goes back over 30 years and ensures that Glocom customers receive the same outstanding products, support and service that we offer to all our Vindum Engineering customers.